

2021 Year In Review

Program Service Accomplishment Statement #1
Through our Medical support project we were able to fund number of life changing surgeries for children in Ukraine. We have been providing on going support for family of boy name Mark who is battling vitamin D resistant rahit (VDDR2a). Medical supply has been shipped and donated to senior care facilities in different parts of Ukraine.

This year we have continued supporting large orphanage in Ukraine by providing them with monthly aid packages which included food, cloth and medical supply. We also helped them to buy learning aid computer for children with disabilities. In 2021 we started providing support for adult mental health facility in Ukraine each month.

Program Service Accomplishment Statement #2
In 2021 we continued supporting projects in Israel and Moldova providing help to families in need.

We have shipped over 1 ton of aid to Ukraine in 2021. Through our Family Support project we have supplied grocery aid packages to hundreds families all across Ukraine.

Together with our partners HFU helped purchase home for family that lost their home due to fire. Another family that we have been supporting for a long time are in a process of building a house so they can move out of studio apartment where this family of 8 resides.

Together with our partners we were able to supply Christmas gifts to over 200 children during our Christmas Joy events

Program Service Accomplishment Statement #3
Through our Children’s Rescue Center we were able to provide weekly free after school lessons in English and Music to over 50 children from families in need. We purchased music instruments for children who’s parents cannot afford to buy them so they can continue learning musical instrument that they like.

Weekend Day of Hope events brought joy and education to hundreds of children in Ukraine. Master classes in art, science, cooking and baking were organized for these weekend events that were taking place once a week.

2020 Year In Review

January 2020
– Over 200 Christmas gifts given to children in Ukraine.

– Free after school classes made available for children and youth at our Children’s Rescue Center.

– Ongoing support for families in need.

February 2020
– Day of Hope events for children from troubled homes.

– Preparation for construction of Blyznak home begins.

– Preparation for life changing surgery for your lady Eva begins.

March 2020
– After school program expends to allow more children get access to free education.

– Care packages provided to families in need through Family Support project.

– Helping with emergency dental work for disabled family.

April 2020
– Together with our partners working on getting permissions to build playgrounds in Ukraine for children.

– Two state run orphanages receiving ongoing support from Hope For Ukraine.

– Building of Blyznak family home Begins.

– First round of COVID-19 aid packages.

May 2020
– Second round of COVID-19 aid packages.

– After school program going virtual with more kids taking advantage of it.

– Renovation of future home for Children’s Rescue Center ongoing.

June 2020
– Third round of COVID-19 aid packaged.

– Support of orphans continues.

– Together with our partners providing support for people in need in Moldova, Armenia and Israel.

July 2020
– Eva get life changing scoliosis surgery done in Kiev Ukraine through our Medical Support project.

– Building of Blyznak home continues.

– Another round of aid packages distributed to families in need.

– Medical Support project treatment for person in Germany.

August 2020
– We started working toward support young boy Mark who suffers from resistant rahit (VDDR2a).

– Support from adult mental health facility provided.

– Another round of dental support provided to disabled family.

September 2020
– Blyznak family construction on going.

– Working with Mark’s family to find treatment for this young boy.

– Aid shipped to Ukraine.

October 2020
– Care packaged distributed to families in need.

– Another round of aid shipped to Ukraine.

– After school program expanding with more children and more different subjects.

November 2020
– Multiple charity events in orphanages and mental facility for adults.

– PPE provided for frontline workers in one Lviv’ main infection hospitals.

– Blyznak family home construction on going.

– Renovation of Children’s Rescue Center going on nonstop.

December 2020
– Together with our partners over 200 Christmas gifts are shipped to Ukraine.

– Large shipment of food, clothing and medical supply shipped.

– Many holiday events organized for children who are part of Child’s Smile project.

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