Project (All)

Frontline Project
Supplies for Defenders
We at Hope for Ukraine recently had the privilege of delivering essential supplies to defenders on the frontline.
First Aid Kits for Defenders
Another set of first aid kits prepared and ready for delivery to Ukraine defenders risking their lives on the frontline.
Frontline Support Efforts
Hope for Ukraine volunteers delivered food and essential supplies to defenders of Ukraine on the frontline towns
Hope Reaches Ukraine’s Defenders
Hope for Ukraine carried out an important mission to deliver first aid kits and food to defenders on the frontline.
Defenders’ Lifeline
HFU’s Frontline Project dedicated January to supporting frontline defenders with essential supplies.
Frontline Support Action
Our volunteers delivered food to defenders on the frontline.
Food for Frontline
Our volunteers delivered food to defenders on the frontline.
Frontline Nourishment
Our volunteers delivered food to defenders on the frontline.
Frontline Nutrition
Volunteers making canned meat to feed people near frontline.
Gifts of Valor
Our team visited wounded soldiers and brought them many gifts.
Frontline Defenders Reached
Our volunteers delivered food and hygiene supplies to defenders on the frontline.
Essential Food for Defenders
Our volunteers delivered essential food to defenders on the frontline.
Feeding the Frontline
Volunteers making canned meats to feed people in frontline towns.
Frontline Food Support
Food delivered by our volunteers to defenders on the frontline.
Supporting Soldiers
Our volunteers delivered food to defenders on the frontline.
Sustenance for the Brave
Food delivered by our volunteers to defenders on the frontline.
Frontline Gratitude
Extending Lifesaving Support to Frontline Defenders.
Defenders’ Unwavering Bond
Aiding the Frontline Defenders through #FrontlineProject
Kits for our Defenders
Essential aid and first aid kits to frontline defenders.
Baking Strength & Hope
Our volunteers are baking hope for people in frontline towns.
Essentials for Defenders
Volunteers delivered essential aid to defenders on the frontline .
Essentials Delivered
Delivering hope to Ukraine’s frontline heroes.
Medical Aid to Frontline
Delivered crucial medical supplies to a military field hospital.
Comforting Soldiers
Volunteers provided nourishing dry soup mixes to our soldiers.
Nourishing Frontline Heroes
Food delivered to defenders at a frontline.
Essential Aid by Volunteers
Essential aid delivered to frontline by our volunteers
Care Packages for Defenders
Food, hygiene products and sleeping bags were delivered by our volunteers.